Blind Spot Warning (BSW) System / Lane
Departure Warning (LDW) System (if so equipped)
The Blind Spot Warning (BSW) system helps
alert the driver of other vehicles in adjacent lanes
when changing lanes.
The Lane Departure Warning (LDW) system
helps alert the driver when the vehicle is traveling
close to either the left or the right of a traveling
The BSW/LDW systems ...
Special Service Tools
The actual shape of the tools may differ from those illustrated here.
Tool number
(TechMate No.)
Tool name
Seal cutter
Removing oil pan (lower) etc.
Commercial Service Tools
T ...
FM radio reception
Range: FM range is normally limited to 25 – 30 mi
(40 – 48 km), with monaural (single channel) FM
having slightly more range than stereo FM. External
influences may sometimes interfere with FM
station reception even if the FM station is within
25 mi (40 km). The strength of the FM signal is ...