Warning systems switch (if so equipped)
The warning systems switch is used to turn on and off the warning systems (Lane Departure Warning (LDW), Forward Collision Warning (FCW) and Blind SpotWarning (BSW) systems) that are activated using the settings menu on the vehicle information display.
When the warning systems switch is turned off, the indicator 1 on the switch is off. The indicator will also be off if all of the warning systems are deactivated using the settings menu.
The LDW system will sound a warning chime and blink the LDW indicator light (orange) to alert the driver if the vehicle is traveling close to either the left or the right of a traveling lane with detectable lane markers. For additional information, refer to “Lane Departure Warning (LDW) system” in the “Starting and driving” section of this manual.
The BSW system will turn on the BSW indicator light, located next to the outside mirrors, if the camera detects a vehicle in the detection zone. If the turn signal is activated in the direction of the detected vehicle, a chime sounds twice and the BSW indicator light will flash. For additional information, refer to “Blind Spot Warning (BSW) system” in the “Starting and driving” section of this manual.
Vehicle security system
The vehicle security system provides visual and
audible alarm signals if someone opens the
doors, trunk lid or the hood when the system is
armed. It is not, however, a motion detection type
system that activates when a vehicle is moved or
when a vibration occurs.
The system helps deter vehic ...
U1001 CAN comm circuit
CAN (Controller Area Network) is a serial communication line for real time
application. It is an on-vehicle multiplex
communication line with high data communication speed and excellent error
detection ability. Many electronic
control units are equipped onto a vehicle, and each co ...
Adjust air flow direction by moving the vent
Open or close the vents by using the dial. Move
the dial toward the to open the
vents or
toward the to close them.
Rear ...