Nissan Rogue manuals

Nissan Rogue Service Manual: Preparation

Special Service Tool

The actual shape of the tools may differ from those illustrated here.

Tool number (TechMate No.) Tool name


— (J-39570) Chassis Ear

Locating the noise
— (J-50397) NISSAN Squeak and Rattle Kit

Repairing the cause of noise
— (J-46534) Trim Tool Set

Removing trim components

Commercial Service Tool

(TechMate No.) Tool name


(J-39565) Engine Ear

Locating the noise


Descriptions for Clips

Replace any clips which are damaged during removal or installation.

Descriptions for Clips

Descriptions for Clips

Descriptions for Clips

Descriptions for Clips

Precaution for Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONER" The Supplemental Restraint System such as “AIR BAG” and “SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIO ...

Symptom diagnosis
SQUEAK AND RATTLE TROUBLE DIAGNOSES Work Flow CUSTOMER INTERVIEW Interview the customer if possible, to determine the conditions that exist when the noise occurs. Use the Diagnostic Workshee ...

Other materials:

Exploded View WITHOUT MOONROOF Map lamp assembly bracket Headlining  Assist grip (without coat hanger)  Map lamp assembly Sun visor holder (LH/RH) Sun visor (RH)  Sun visor cover Sun visor (LH)  Headlining cover  Assist grip (with coat hanger ...

Unit disassembly and assembly
STEERING GEAR AND LINKAGE Exploded View DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Steering gear  Inner boot clamp  Boot  Outer boot clamp  Outer socket Disassembly and Assembly DISASSEMBLY  Remove outer socket lock nut and remove outer socket.  Remove inne ...

Precautions on seat belt usage
If you are wearing your seat belt properly adjusted and you are sitting upright and well back in your seat with both feet on the floor, your chances of being injured or killed in a collision and/or the severity of injury may be greatly reduced. NISSAN strongly encourages you and all of yo ...

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