Terminal Arrangement
Uniform tire quality grading
DOT (Department of Transportation) Quality
Grades: All passenger car tires must conform to
federal safety requirements in addition to these
Quality grades can be found where applicable on
the tire sidewall between tread shoulder and
maximum section width. For example:
Treadwear 200 ...
Body component parts
Underbody Component Parts
Both sided anti-corrosive
precoated steel portions
High strength steel (HSS)
portions: 440 MPa
Both sided anti-corrosive
steel and HSS portions: 440 MPa
If the high strength steel (ultra high strength steel) of this is broken,
replace by assem ...
Troubleshooting guide
Verify the location of all Intelligent Keys that are
programmed for the vehicle. If another Intelligent
Key is in range or inside the vehicle, the vehicle
system may respond differently than expected.
Possible Cause
When stopping the engine
The Shift to Pa ...